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Our Generous Sponsors

At the Academy of Doctoral PAs, we are deeply grateful for the generosity and support of our amazing sponsors for the ADPA 2024 Conference.
Modern Architecture


Silver Sponsorship – $500

  • Logo Exposure: Company logo displayed on ADPA conference webpage, marketing materials, and during virtual breaks

  • Acknowledgment: Verbal recognition during opening and closing remarks

  • Social Media Shout-Out: A dedicated post on our conference social media

  • channels thanking them for Silver Sponsorship

  • Complimentary Registration: Access for one representative to attend the conference


Gold Sponsorship – $900

  • Enhanced Logo Placement: Company logo prominently displayed on ADPA conference webpage, marketing materials, and during virtual breaks

  • Acknowledgment: Verbal recognition during opening and closing remarks

  • Social Media Shout-Out: A dedicated post on our conference social media channels thanking them for Gold Sponsorship

  • ADPA Website Banner: 6-month banner advertisement

  • Complimentary Registration: Access for three representative to attend the conference

  • Networking Opportunities: Will have access to the email contact of conference attendees


Platinum Sponsorship – $1300

  • Exclusive Logo Branding: Company logo prominently displayed on ADPA conference webpage, marketing materials, and during virtual breaks

  • Acknowledgment: Verbal recognition during opening and closing remarks

  • Social Media Shout-Out: A dedicated post on our conference social mediachannels thanking them for Platinum Sponsorship

  • ADPA Website Banner: 12-month banner advertisement

  • Complimentary Registration: Access for six representative to attend the conference

  • Networking Opportunities: Will have access to the email contact of conference attendees

  • Customized Promotion: Tailored promotional content (e.g., video message) shared with attendees via email before and after the conference

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